I revisited my autism book collection recently as I moved my office / home school into the playroom. Amazon's stock must have gone up when we got Little Frog's diagnosis - the collection is immense. I noticed that certain books came back to me like old friends. When I stopped to consider what they had in common the word Respect immediately jumped out. These books, many of which were written or contributed to by people with autism, gave me a perspective much different than the ABA manuals, diet books, and other "how to fix behavior" books I'd come across or been referred to by educators. These books gave me a glimpse of what it might be like from Frog's perspective. Above all, these books told me that my son is who he is for a reason and it's OK. They showed me how I could be helpful in showing my son the world and teaching him how to get along in it without worrying about changing him. These books allowed me to let go of some of the worry and the frantic search for answers and just enjoy building a relationship with Frog. I still worry about what the future holds, a hostile world, and the pitfalls along the way, but I've learned that my little boy is a very strong and resourceful individual and I know he will find his way - his family will be here to help.
Thanks for sharing these books! I'm going to see if I can borrow some of them through the library. I've read part of Engaging Autism before...never heard of the rest. It will be so refreshing to read a book that is about helping and not curing...
Thanks for sharing these books! I'm going to see if I can borrow some of them through the library. I've read part of Engaging Autism before...never heard of the rest. It will be so refreshing to read a book that is about helping and not curing...
I am the same. Wasted so much time and money reading the wrong books, but I guess everything plays it's part on your opinion.
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