Frog is a conundrum. At first glance, his imitation skills seem virtually non-existent. Working hand over hand to teach him new movement patterns is a painstaking process that usually results in limited and un-generalized results and movement patterns that look stiff and unnatural. But watching Frog on his own, his movements are fluid and organic. He organizes complex motor patterns and carries them off with unbelievable precision. While he presents as proprioceptively challenged, he moves like a dancer, can run, spin and jump with what appears to be wild abandon - and yet stop on a dime and balance on one toe. He seems unsure of himself around others, yet on his own he is in complete control of his body within the environment.
This week Frog has been hard to engage. He has regularly resorted to his favorite stims and let us know in no uncertain terms that he really needed us to just stop talking around him. Rather than fight this need, I toned down the talking today. We engaged in Floortime activities without words and the circles opened and closed. We listened to music in the car and I read the Duchess Autumn story out loud to myself - not concentrating on wooing Frog into the story or even checking to see if he was listening. He stayed with me. Finally, I released Frog into the woods - to search for signs of Autumn. With few words, little direction and only two rules - stay on the path, and don't get to far away from Mommy - He reveled in nature and danced his way along the steep and winding paths without difficulty.
Diva is our resident dancer. I am a secret dancer. Today is Frog's dance premier - I present Frog as "Puck" in a dance of his own design
- Into The Woods -
Summer wains and a breeze cools the afternoon air. The woods sparkle and beckon with late season sunlight. You skim along the edge soaking in the beauty when you spot him - just ahead, on the path, skipping and sauntering blithely along. He sees you. His eyes twinkle. He dashes forward deeper into the forest - slowing to let you catch-up only to dash forward again. Is he a spirit? A sprite? A Playful Puck come to lure you unsuspecting into his trickery and mirth? Have you lost him? No - there he is up ahead behind those ferns. Will you join in his game? Will you follow him into the woods?
For more Special Exposure Wednesday posts visit 5 Minutes for Speical Needs
Oh wow. Look at him go... Looks like he did a good job staying on the path and enjoyed the woods. Gorgeous scenery.
Just remembered - have to mail back your envelope - have been driving with it for a few days now!! sorry!!!
I LOVE it!!!
Awesome! The woods are so much fun!
Wow! Great video! I wish I had that much energy!
here's mine http://raisingjoey.com/?p=1666
It sounds like you are a master of the "go with the flow" dance yourself. What a lovely wooded area - looks like he really enjoys it. :)
The video was perfect with the music!
wow! I loved it and he looked like he was truly enjoying himself and able to be himself for that moment.
Such a good mommy!
You have such a beautiful way of seeing your son. It brought tears to my eyes.
And Oliver was riveted by the music :-)
That was just brilliant!
You know, you have a way with words that is just so beautiful!
What a beautiful post. Thank you so much for sharing this.
What a great walk I always love your photos and take on the world.
What a beautiful video! What's the name of that music it was lovely? What a beautiful world Frog lives in and what a wonderful place you take him too.
The music is from Vivaldi's 4 Seasons. This is the third movement from Winter (Allegro III). If you (or your kids - like Oliver) enjoyed this piece I'd encourage you to check-out the entire composition. Parts of it will be very familiar - all of it is very moving.
Thanks for stopping by everyone!
Oh my. Thank you for bringing that bit of peace and pure joy into my day! What a team you are!
Thank you so much for sharing this. I love that you were able to just go with it. Beautiful!
My Monkey loved watching and listening to this piece.
This is beautiful. I see so much of my own daughter in Frog. Thank you for this.
what a beautiful video set to such perfect music! He looks like he was free and just so full of live running through the forest looking for signs of autumn.
I don't know how I missed this last week... what a glorious video. Frog reminds me so much of my daughter Joy, right down to the bob of fair hair! Been thinking myself both about the woods and about dance lately...
Thanks so much.
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